K-Beam’s patented I-Beam channels provide superior strength & stabilizing rods ensure alignment of the system. While standard track requires cables every 4′-6′, K-Beam supports suspension on 8′ centers.
The K-Beam™ system is UL Listed and compatible with Lumenture’s award-winning T-Series track heads, track wallwashers, cylinders and other J-type track fixtures.
K-Beam™ eliminates the need for Unistrut and expensive proprietary suspended track systems and reduces suspension points up to two-thirds resulting in installation savings of 35% or more.
With its small form factor, K-Beam blends seamlessly into ceilings. Its two-circuit, one-neutral configuration delivers greater lighting design flexibility.
Traditional suspension system cables are on 4′-6′ centers and still have the potential for track sagging or tilt.
The exclusive, reinforced K-Beam channel allows suspension up to 8′ centers and eliminates sagging or tilt.
Power feeds and connection accessories are made of polycarbonate with galvanized steel black plates. Twelve-gauge insulated wire is used for internal connections. Available in straight, 90 degrees, T-connector, and X-connectors.
In order to further increase system stability and alignment, an optional stabilizing rod is included in each suspension kit. This prevents any warping or swaying.
Our patented I-Beam track channel design is one of a kind. With the ability to support more weight than traditional track, this design provides extra strength over a long span.